“We are not a country that runs prisons that locks people away without ever telling them why they’re there or what they’re charged with.” ~Barack Obama, 2007 campaign trail.
As we get further and further into the campaign season, it becomes more and more clear that most politicians are not really as interested in our personal individual welfare as they claim. Case in point: the NDAA. What is the NDAA? I'll let Jon Stewart provide some humorous insight:
Here is the link to the Mediaite's full story.
Is this the end of America? The funny thing is, although Barack Obama once said that America "is not a country that runs prisons that locks people away without ever telling them why they’re there or what they’re charged with”, he has actually signed the NDAA bill on the eve of 2012's New Year. Which means IT IS NOW LAW.
Despite Barack Obama's executive signing statement which says that the NDAA will not be used on American citizens, a "statement" means little to the functionality of the law for the rest of us.
Jack Hunter writes:
"Commenting on the controversial Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act — which many contend gives the federal government new powers to arrest American citizens without charge — [Senator Lindsey] Graham made clear this week that '1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.'
"The entire world is now a 'battlefield'? 'Including the homeland'?
"There have been serious constitutional questions raised recently concerning whether our federal government should be able to arrest or assassinate American citizens overseas without charge or trial. This new and largely uncharted legal territory has been troublesome. But arresting or assassinating American citizens here in the United States without trial? Rounding up and holding American citizens indefinitely without charge? What country is this?"
From Mediaite:
"As for people who feel the passage of this bill wouldn’t impact them personally because 1) they are not terrorists and 2) do not actively support terrorist activity, Sen. Paul reminds us that even people who are 'missing fingers' or who own guns or ammo are considered possible terror suspects by the U.S. government and, as such, could possibly feel the impact of this piece of legislation. Or, you know. People who may have, at one time, attended a madrasa, perhaps as a child. Or who have associated with radical thinkers. Or who have routinely hung out with dudes missing a few fingers."
People like…. Well, Obama. And many other non-terrorists like him.
Seriously, if we can piece together a case against our standing president of the United States to be detained indefinitely without due process, then we (READ: our president) can build a case against anyone. Scary? It should be. Especially to those of us that disagree with the government or the president.
Ron Paul had some very forceful statements against the NDAA, before the bill was passed. See a video about it here:
Join the fight against indefinite detention of American citizens through these sites:
1. YAL (Young Americans for Liberty)
1. YAL (Young Americans for Liberty)
2. ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
3. Write and call your local repesentatives!! Tell them to support Rep. Daniel P. Gordon's bill to defy the NDAA's provision to detain American Citizens indefinitely. Pressure them! Don't let them weasel out of this one too!
4. Watch this Constitutional Lawyer talk about what we can do to defeat the NDAA, also! visit his site, where he has drafted legislation that can be introduced into our state governments.
5. Only donate and/or vote for candidates that will eliminate the NDAA (Ron Paul)
4. Watch this Constitutional Lawyer talk about what we can do to defeat the NDAA, also! visit his site, where he has drafted legislation that can be introduced into our state governments.
5. Only donate and/or vote for candidates that will eliminate the NDAA (Ron Paul)
1. http://www.aclu.org/national-security/president-obama-signs-indefinite-detention-bill-law
2. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/jon-stewart-makes-a-case-for-obamas-indefinite-detention-without-trial/
3. http://bonniekristian.com/how-to-join-the-fight-against-the-ndaa/
4. http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-and-sopa-the-end-of-america-2012-1
5. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/12/with-reservations-obama-signs-act-to-allow-detention-of-citizens/
6. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/02/aclu-others-slam-obama-for-signing-defense-bill-that-includes-detainee/
2. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/jon-stewart-makes-a-case-for-obamas-indefinite-detention-without-trial/
3. http://bonniekristian.com/how-to-join-the-fight-against-the-ndaa/
4. http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-and-sopa-the-end-of-america-2012-1
5. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/12/with-reservations-obama-signs-act-to-allow-detention-of-citizens/
6. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/02/aclu-others-slam-obama-for-signing-defense-bill-that-includes-detainee/
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