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Friday, April 27, 2012

House Passes CISPA: Make Sure It Dies In Senate!

this is the basic logo for the website, How A Mormon ThinksCISPA passed congress, headed to the Senate (now my tummy huwts)

On thursday, April 26, 2012--the day before it was scheduled to be voted upon, the US Congress added a few amendments (all which make it worse) and passed CISPA with an overwhelming majority: 248-168.

It still needs to get through the Senate before our Commander in Chief can sign it into law.  So,, what are you gonna do to stop it in the senate?

Here are a few suggestions:
1. Call/write/email your Senator!  I can't help you find out how to contact them, though.  This may be the most important of all the things you could do!
2. Sign a few petitions!  like here, here, here, here, here, here, here
3. Share what your doing!  Articles, information, memes, pictures, status updates, this blogpost, anything that can help your friends to see what is happening!!
4. Caption your own memes against CISPA!! Here
5. Learn more about the very real debate for/against CISPA!  Some great links to start you off herehere, here, here, here, here, here, and on facebook here.
6. Some memes to download and share to facebook, twitter, google+, linked in etc:
CISPA cat iz cyber spying
CISPA cat is cyber spying.
CISPA gives uncle sam the power to legally go through your emails
CISPA gives Uncle Sam the power to legally go through your emails.
cispa cat cares not for your privacy
Caption your own CISPA cat here.
cool mad magazine against CISPA
Cool MAD magazine meme about CISPA.
cispa passes congress with an overwhelming majority (248-168).  Want your internet privacy? STOP THIS BILL IN THE SENATE
Where is their opposition to CISPA?
Cispa is coming very soon! Learn more about this bill before it becomes LAW
and coming very SOON
Ironic, that Mark Zuckerberg, a supposed supporter of internet privacy, supports CISPA, which is the complete opposite.
Ironic, that Mark Zuckerberg, a supposed supporter
of internet privacy, supports CISPA, which is the
complete opposite.
Cispa is the newest draconian "internet security" bill that does nothing to improve security on the internet, while making it legal for the government to gather all your personal information.  STOP IT BEFORE IT PASSES SENATE
Get Informed on CISPA: The New Cybersecurity Bill That Could Change Your LIFE!!!
Raise your awareness of CISPA, which is set for the senate
to decide it's fate!  Contact your senator!

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