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Monday, September 26, 2011

The Heavens Are Still Open!

The Conference Center in Salt Lake City, UT
directly across the street from Temple Square

General Conference is coming up, and for those of you that are unfamiliar with LDS culture, it's a pretty big deal.  "The reason I say “big deal” is because, for Mormons at least, we believe that this is an opportunity for us to hear counsel from people whom we believe are influenced by, and often speaking on behalf of, God"(via Paul Robichaux on Wordpress).

What sets us apart, I think, is that we believe that the "heavens are still open" and that God still speaks to his people on the Earth just like he did in biblical times.

The 9th of our 13 Articles of Faith reads:
We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
Just talking about it makes me happy. :)  As a matter of fact, I'm headed up to Salt Lake City to see them in person with my girlfriend and a few good friends this weekend.  I have a few days to prepare.

Speakers like Thomas S. Monson and Dieter F. Uchtdorf tend to inspire me to want to be a much better person.  I will definitely post my thoughts here about Conference after the weekend.


  1. We are so very lucky to live in this day where we have both the fullness of the gospel as well as a prophet called of God to guide us! I am so grateful for my membership in the church and also grateful for the opportunity to see our leaders in person :)

    General Conference is going to be amazing! I urge everyone to watch it even if you are not of our faith. These men and women are truly inspired by God and have a lot of really amazing things to share with us.

  2. For those that are interested, you can actually read/view past Conferences, or stream live the General Conference being broadcast this weekend via this link:
